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Selling your property is an exciting but stressful time, and at PRM Law we understand that. From making sure you know exactly what is included in the sale of your house, to only paying your share of the property tax and other shared expenses, at PRM Law we will review your Agreement of Purchase and Sale, along with all signing documents in great detail, so that you are aware of your obligations/rights as a seller. We may also pay outstanding mortgages on your behalf and ensure that any remaining proceeds from the sale, after all costs such as legal fees and disbursements are paid, is provided to you as soon as possible. PRM Law keeps an open line of communication by providing you with an overview at the very start of the process, request for information and/or documentation upfront and what your role is on closing day.

When selling your property, you might be looking to turn a profit or invest the profits made into another property, and therefore want to retain the largest amount of profits as possible. At PRM Law, we provide you with a flat legal-fee structure, in addition to disbursements, which helps you cap your closing costs effectively.

PRM Law wants to ensure you that you have a hassle-free experience when selling your property, from listing your property to closing day, and receiving any balance funds, if applicable.  We will go the extra mile to make sure you are informed of all matters regarding your closing and will be here to answer any questions you have.

If you are selling property, email or call 416-320-1751 today!

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